Dienstag, Januar 26, 2010

Welcome in the Internet-Weltraum |NASA
Die US-Weltraumagentur NASA hatte am vergangenen Freitag gemeldet, dass die Besatzung der internationalen Raumstation ISS nach „einem speziellen Software-Upgrade" nun direkten Zugang zum Internet habe. ISS-Ingenieur Timothy Creamer nutzte die Möglichkeit, um seinen ersten Live-Tweet aus dem Weltraum abzusetzen – bisher wurden die Kurznachrichten von der ISS vom Kontrollzentrum aus in den Mikroblogging-Dienst eingegeben...

quelle: nasa

8 Kommentare:

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I'm seeking help for the kids of Haiti.

I'm at this site for a non-profit haiti group that devotes themselves to
building an oppurunity for the children in haiti. If anyone here wants to help then this is the place:

[url=http://universallearningcentre.org]Donate to Haiti[/url] or Help Haiti

They provide children in Haiti books and teach them.

Please check them out, they're legitimate.

I greatly appreciate anyone's help

Anonym hat gesagt…

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Anonym hat gesagt…

Ive been offered a hand me down, but would rather get a modern one, has anyone owned one of these:


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Just saying hello while I read through the posts

hopefully this is just what im looking for looks like i have a lot to read.

Anonym hat gesagt…

Yo Brothers n Sisters

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I am pleased to have discovered it.

Who knows what happens next... All I know is: To err is human, to forgive highly unlikely. :


Anybody do Traveling

Looking forward to a good long membership here!

South Carolina,Wedgewood

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